Tuesday, August 31, 2004

Guiliani 2008


Iraq's Growing Wall Street


Sunday, August 29, 2004

Microsoft's Plan for 2006


Friday, August 27, 2004

2010: A Space Elevator?


While such miraculous advancements as shown by the above
link act as beacons of hope in a planet plagued by terrorism,
it's gravely important to remember that it is Western Civilization's
free market system that encourages their creation. Technological
breakthroughs can only spring from free, creative minds--the kind
of minds protected best by capitalism. Every governmental and
economic system down through history must be judged according
to how it treats man's mind. There have been and are systems that
seek to enslave man's mind. These can be seen most flagrantly in
communist China, where there is rampant starvation, and in
Islamic quasi-theocracies like Saudi Arabia, where widespread
poverty is the order of the day. American troops and those supporting
them back home would do well to remember that we are fighting
for not only our freedom to live in peace from terrorists and madmen,
but also for the longevity of our system that has allowed for the
creation of such innovations as the polio vaccine, the lightbulb,
the internal combustion engine, etc. Man's mind is under constant
attack. We must seek to preserve it at all costs.

Meet George Jetson!


Monday, August 23, 2004

Definition of Propaganda


Sunday, August 22, 2004

Follow These Steps and See Christ


National ID Card


Saturday, August 21, 2004

Read the Latest From Dick Morris



Scientists Discover God?


Latest Theory on Why Kerry Will/Should Lose

Contrary to what most in the media say, the Swift
Boat Veterans attack ads are not only meant to question
le John's military service in Viet"naum." Kerry's campaign
has been forced to expend valuable resources not in
promoting the senator's plan for America, but in defending
his record over a relatively minor issue. Did Kerry lie
or at least embellish his credentials? Who cares? These
ads have effectively built a barrier between Kerry and the
public. They have turned his election bid into a
kindergarten-style squabble over the proper role
of 527's in a White House run. However, it would be
naive for anyone on his campaign staff to think
trying to reframe the debate on his 19-year Senate record
would salvage the situation. Kerry has very little identity
to use as ammo against Bush's hate-it-or-not-but-proven
string of results. The post Democratic Convention hiccup in
the polls in Kerry's favor demonstrates that.

Scientists Discover Noah's Ark?


An Interesting Site
