Saturday, November 13, 2004

Thoughts of 2008

If I were a Democrat, I'd be rooting for a Hillary defeat in the '08 primaries and an Evan Bayh nomination. Dems will continue to trash the "hicks" in "Jesusland" until they need one to run for the presidency in 2008. Bayh supported the Iraq War, is strong on terror, supports welfare reform, has proposed a "fatherhood" initiative, is strong on family values, was a two-term governor and now senator, could carry his home state of Indiana and possibly neighboring Ohio, and has that "presidential look." He even has twin boys, a contrast to Bush's twin girls. Plus the best part, he doesn't have Hillary's baggage and sassy attitude. He's got Bill's charm but without all the filthy perversion and polarization. Will the Clintons let him run in '08? Not on your life. The Clintons will continue with their plan of crashing and trashing the Democratic Party while further consolidating Republican support. A darn shame. Here's a man with a possible solution to the Dems woes, and they couldn't nominate him if they tried.
On the other hand, based on the poll data I sent you earlier, Evan Bayh is a real unknown, and Guiliani is way more popular with independents than Hillary could ever hope to be. There's just this nagging issue of Rudy's support of abortion and gay rights that undoubtedly will disturb the far right wing that helped reelect Bush this year. Hillary, I've come to believe, is a false signal, a road side reflector unable to generate its own light, just as Arnold seems to be in over in California (supporting that $3 billion stem cell research bill when the state's already broke was just downright foolish)
Anyway, just wanted to share some thoughts for 2008. I could see a Bill Frist-John Mccain ticket, too, because with that you're locking up probably the entire south and west and the independents (although Frist isn't exactly fresh and exciting). Some candidates I'd like to see not run in 2008 because they'd be a total waste of our time, would be: Jeb Bush (Americans will have had enough Bush for a while by then), Hillary Clinton (goes without saying), Barrack Obama (do we really want the male version of Hally Barry running the country?), John Edwards (although he'll still be unemployed in '08 and thus be a part of one of those Americas he keeps talking about), Wesley Clark (because he's really a robot), Howard Dean (because there is a real chance he could blow his top as president and put a foreign leader in a headlock), Al Gore (because at least a third of the country would die laughing), and Ahnuld (because the last good Republican California produced was actually a real Republican named Ronald Reagan who fought a real evil called the Soviet Union bent on world domination with or without the use of killer robots). Are there any others? I hope not.